Call for Proposals
The Sixth Annual Conference for the Society for
Humanistic Psychology (Division 32) of the American
Psychological Association
Community in Difference: Cultivating a Home for Love and Justice in an Indifferent World
February 28 - March 3, 2013
Call for Proposals
The Society for Humanistic Psychology is please to invite proposals for presentations at its annual conference in Santa Barbara, California at the Pacifica Graduate Institute, to be held February 28 to March 3, 2013.
The main title of the conference,"Community in Difference" is an intentional play on words. When read audibly, the phrase could be interpreted to mean a community that is indifferent to its membership. This is the shadow side of a community that strives to create a respect for difference. Icy detachment is a danger of seeking diversity through indifference. The notion of indifference also conjures associations to the call to be free of prejudice and bias in our interactions with others. Yet, as human beings, we are saturated by history and by our cultural understandings, and so indifference or neutrality is a utopian(as in impossible), even if well-intentioned promise. Also, a community that is indifferent would not truly be a community, since part of what it means to be a community is to have a care and concern for others in the community, and to rally around shared values and goals. How does one cultivate a home within community that is not indifferent, yet which is mindful of the violence of prejudice and discrimination, despite good intentions? We invite reflection for this conference on this dilemma that is so central to the Society's current focus.
How to Submit a Proposal
The proposal submission process is on our website at
Proposal submissions are made on our website through the online form only. Please visit our website for detailed information regarding presentation proposal guidelines, and to submit a proposal.
The deadline for submitting proposals is November 19, 2012. Contributors will be notified of acceptance or decline in roughly one week after receipt of proposal.
Please Note: Should your proposal be accepted, no honorariums or expenses can be paid to presenters. All presenters must register for appropriate fees. Presenters are responsible for their own transportation and accommodation costs. Submission of a proposal will be understood to indicate a willingness to attend the conference if the proposal is accepted. The Society for Humanistic Psychology Conference Committee will review and approve all events and presentations.
Questions regarding this process and any other inquiries can be made to: Brent Potter, Conference Chair [email protected]. Please indicate in the subject box that this is an e-mail regarding the 2013 SHP Conference. Thank you!
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